About the Event
Thursday, March 3, 2022
8 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Virtual Conference – Zoom
Now in its fourth year, TechTalent convenes employers, educators, solutions providers and policy influencers working together to solve tech workforce challenges and opportunities. Registration coming soon.
Who attends?
Attendees include business, technology, and human resource leaders, as well as educators, solution providers, and policy influencers.
Why attend?
- Get informed on the current state of tech talent in Minnesota.
- Gain new ideas. This is the place to build allies!
- Be part of the solution! You’ll take away actionable items to deploy in your workplace.
Keynote Speaker
This year’s keynote speaker is Ron Hetrick!

Ron Hetrick
Senior Labor Economist
Emsi Burning Glass
Keynote Preview: The Demographic Drought
Fees & Registration
TechTalent Conference Fees
- MnTech members: Free
Not sure if your company is a member? Check our member listing - Non-members: $50 per person
For questions on tickets, please contact patty@mntech.org