October 11th, 2019 Board Meeting

Thomson Reuters, 600 Opperman Drive, Eagan MN

MHTA Board of Directors Packet 10.11.19Download
1. Mental Health Startups - presentationDownload
1. Mental Health Startups - paperDownload
2. Strengthening MN's High Tech Identity - presentationDownload
2. Strengthening MN's High Tech Identity - paperDownload
3. Shining a Light on Unintended Employee Discrimination - presentationDownload
3. Shining a Light on Unintended Employee Discrimination - paperDownload
4. Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace - presentationDownload
4. Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace - paperDownload
5_Entry Level Hiring - presentationDownload
5. Entry Level Hiring - paperDownload
  • 3.94 MB File Size
  • October 10, 2019 Last Updated

See dropdown under PDF window to select other PDFs in this package.
