The past: Minnesota’s tech ecosystem has provided the world with a multitude of technological innovations and new ideas. This same ecosystem has provided hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans with high paying jobs in a sector with consistently low unemployment.

The challenge: Minnesota’s tech ecosystem is at risk due to a pressing lack of homegrown skilled technologists and costly lack of technologist diversity.

The response: The Minnesota Technology Foundation leads the collective push to equitably inspire and grow technology talent in Minnesota.

The future: We envision a future where Minnesota is a national leader in the equitable inspiration and development of technologists, bringing prosperity to our state and our communities.

Foundation Resources

Aspirations in Computing

Minnesota Aspirations in Computing uses prestigious awards, scholarships, internships, and professional opportunities to amplify voices, build identity, reward persistence, and recognize fortitude as women increase their technical, entrepreneurial, and leadership skills. Learn more about Minnesota Aspirations in Computing.


getSTEM is an online tool that has impacted over 66,000 students in Minnesota through hundreds of Ask/Offer connections between teachers and business professionals. getSTEM matches STEM needs with STEM resources in just minutes. Learn more about getSTEM.