MHTA — The Minnesota High Tech Association’s getSTEM website has tripled the number of connections between educators and the technology community and have already served more than 5,000 students in the early part of 2017. or “getSTEM,” is a web portal designed to connect Minnesota educators with science and technology businesses, in order to better prepare students for post-secondary education programs and careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
getSTEM is a partnership between the Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA) and the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) along with sponsoring businesses including Ecolab and Thomson Reuters.
Summer will be quieter for the site, but this is the time to consider how you and your organization could contribute to the site:
Do you have equipment or supplies you would like to donate? Make an OFFER on getSTEM.
As of today, getSTEM has helped connect 147 educators to members of our technology community, up from 63 at this time last year. Those connections have resulted in 5, 320 students being served. The number of Asks and Offers being posted has nearly doubled since this time last year.
Do you have individuals looking for volunteer opportunities? Check out the STEM Ambassadors.
There are currently 40 STEM Ambassadors on the site, but the number one ASK from teachers is for their students to meet a STEM professional. The site could always use more.
Would your company like to host a tour for middle or high school students? Consider a Tech Experience Tour.
Over 30 schools and businesses have also been matched for Tech Experience Tours to serve over 400 students this school year.
- Would you like to provide similar experiences for more students? Through a generous grant from the AT&T Foundation, field trip scholarships provided help with feed and transporting students to the company tour sites. Next fall, getSTEM will be looking for sponsors to keep this momentum going.
Learn how you can change the world for students and their communities. For more information, please use our contact form to send us a message, or visit the getSTEM website at and sign up today! Check it out!