Demystifying the importance of “personal brand” for the technology community
MnTech’s Director of Member and Community Engagement Jade Denson recently sat down with Sarah McNally, personal brand expert and CEO of The People Brand Company, Michelle Hines Director of Technology with Thomson Reuters Corporation, and Tam Gregersen the Director of Enterprise Security & Operations with EQ Holdings to discuss one important question: Why is personal brand so important for technology leaders?
During this virtual fireside chat, the panel engages in a rich discussion and nuances perceptions around brand in a way that challenges the “superficial” or “frivolous” connotations people often associate with caring about one’s personal brand.
Sarah breaks down the most important things to understand about our personal brands and the group shares their insights and perspective into the following questions:
· What do you know now about your brand that you didn’t realize before?
· Why does Brand matter as a technology leader?
· What are you doing with your teams to create a stronger brand for yourself?
· What is the role of technology in the brand experience?
· What has been the most helpful tool in personal brand building for you?
· How long have you been conscious of, and thinking about your brand? Where and how did you start thinking about your brand?