Women Leading in Technology (WLiT): What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then

Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Time: 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. CDT
Location: Virtual Zoom Webinar
Cost: FREE – REGISTER BELOW | Please consider a donation to the WLiT scholarship fund
Topic: What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then
Panelists: Jackie Hartman, Global Data Management & Governance Lead, Cargill
Alana Karen, Director – Search Platforms, Google
Jayshree Seth, Corporate Scientist & Chief Science Advocate, 3M
Shivani Stumpf, VP – Analytics, PowerSchool
Event Registration
Event Summary
Are you early in your career or newly on your leadership path?
Are you curious to learn from the experiences of other women technology leaders who’ve been there and done that?
Would you like to accelerate your own career progression by enlisting strategies other successful female executives have used in navigating the twists and turns of their careers?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, please join us for the next Women Leading in Technology (WLiT) event, “What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then.” This panel discussion will feature four women leaders and their unique perspectives as we delve into a candid discussion about professional advancement strategies, lessons learned, and crises averted.
Jackie Hartman, Global Data Management & Governance Lead, Cargill
Serving in technology and data leadership roles over the last 20 years, Jackie’s relationship-centered approach leads to the achievement of organizational goals while inspiring people and teams to realize their potential. Jackie’s thrilled to share this passion with the Ann Bancroft Foundation whose mission is to encourage girls to “Imagine something bigger”. A proud Iowan, Jackie graduated from Iowa State with a degree in Wildlife Biology.
Alana Karen, Director – Search Platforms, Google
Alana Karen is an award-winning tech leader, author, and speaker whose work impacts many of our everyday lives. From Google Search to Ads, Fiber to Google Grants and beyond, Alana has been leading the charge to develop, scale, build, and drive team and product development that has seen a rippling industry impact. Alana has spoken at conferences and summits on technology, leadership, DEI, talent, and innovation. Her book, The Adventures of Women in Tech: How We Got Here and Why We Stay, aggregates hundreds of stories on these topics as well. She lives with her three children, husband, and two dogs in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Jayshree Seth, Corporate Scientist & Chief Science Advocate, 3M
Jayshree Seth joined 3M in 1993 after an MS and PhD in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University, New York, and has a B. Tech in Chemical Engineering from REC Trichy India, now NIIT Trichy. She is currently a Corporate Scientist at 3M and holds 72 patents for a variety of innovations with several additional pending. Jayshree was appointed 3M’s first ever Chief Science Advocate in 2018 and is using her scientific knowledge, technical expertise and professional experience to advance science and communicate its importance and benefits in everyday life. In 2020 she was awarded Society of Women Engineers’ (SWE) highest Achievement Award. Jayshree is the author of the book, The Heart of Science – Engineering Footprints, Fingerprints, & Imprints, published by SWE, and all the sales proceeds go to a scholarship for underrepresented minority women in STEM. She is also featured in a docuseries titled “Not the Science Type” that premiered during the 2021 Tribeca Film Festival.
Shivani Stumpf, VP – Analytics, PowerSchool
Shivani Stumpf is the Vice President of Analytics at PowerSchool, joining the company following the acquisition of Hoonuit, an enterprise Edtech data analytics provider focused on the K-12 industry. At Hoonuit, Stumpf was the Chief Technology Officer responsible for leading the Product Management, Engineering, Operations, Professional Services and Support functions across the analytics product portfolio. Shivani spearheaded technology and business diligence for three successful acquisitions and two divestures over the last 2 years at Hoonuit and then the sale of Hoonuit to PowerSchool.
Donate to the WLiT Scholarship Fund
WLiT seeks to promote, educate, and empower women in technology across Minnesota. We believe in “reaching back” to support our future technology leaders and practitioners. With the help of the Minnesota Technology Foundation, WLiT awards scholarships to underrepresented individuals who aspire to a career in STEM. Funds raised in 2021 will create scholarship awards to off-set the cost of tuition for deserving individuals at The Software Guild, a local technology bootcamp.
In lieu of a registration fee for this event, WLiT gratefully accepts your donations. While we ask that you consider a donation of $20, donations in any amount are much appreciated. Donate thru the Minnesota Technology Foundation’s GiveMN site here. The donation process is separate from event registration. If your company has a matching program, please send the match to the Minnesota Technology Foundation so it can be added to the scholarship fund.