MHTA — Three Minnesota companies receiving SBIR funding have been named as division winners and runners-up in the 2017 Minnesota Cup entrepreneurial competition. The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs offer non-dilutive R&D funding for cutting edge science and technology that has the potential for commercialization.
Each division winner in Minnesota Cup (except in the 18-and-under Youth division) will receive $30,000 to invest in its breakout business idea. Division runners-up will receive $5,000.
Sironix Renewables
Sirionix Renewables was named the division winner in the Energy/Clean Tech/Water category. Sironix Renewables is a seed-stage company developing environmentally friendly and safe chemicals from plants to be used for industrial consumer products.
Chromatic 3D Materials
Chromatic 3D Materials was named the runner-up in the General category. Chromatic 3D Materials is inventing the next generation of 3D printing materials with the durability to meet the requirements for finished manufactured goods.
UR Turn
UR TURN was named runner-up in Impact Ventures category. UR TURN’s smart-advisor technology is designed to keep students in the driver’s seat, charting a path for success in school and beyond.
“Companies participating in the SBIR/STTR programs are working on cutting-edge, game-changing technology, and it’s great to see them recognized in the Minnesota Cup competition,” said Pat Dillon, Director of MN-SBIR. “
From innovation, entrepreneurship and commercialization, MN-SBIR is the State’s focal point to assist seed, early stage, emerging and existing firms (1-500 employees) to successfully access non-dilutive federal funding through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs. MN-SBIR is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Department of Employment and Economic Development, the University of Minnesota, Office of Technology Commercialization and MHTA.